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Why Korean Breast Surgery - Reviews, Cost, Pictures, Results

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Why Korean Breast Surgery - Reviews, Cost, Pictures, Results



See the breast

Breast surgery is a form of surgery performed on the breast. Breast surgery not only improves the appearance of the breasts, but also completes the overall volume of the body. As Korean plastic surgery is very advanced, people are not as obsessed about size anymore. A full range of breast augmentation, breast lifting or even nipple surgery can be chosen to be performed to achieve natural and balanced breasts.


Latest Trend of Breast Surgery in Korea

Breast surgery, especially breast augmentation, is a common and popular plastic surgery procedure in the U.S. Before, the goal for breast surgery was to make the breasts appear rounder and bigger. However, as Asian women started to display interest from facial surgery to breast surgery, doctors in Korea actively tried to create natural looking breasts for Asian bodies. Nowadays, breast augmentation is not all about using implants to augment the size. Perhaps a more important goal is to recreate the natural proportion and shape of the breast. Due to the latest trends, implant types have been upgraded and enhanced to achieve the most natural results. One of the most popular implant shapes is called ‘teardrop implant’ which creates natural shape without artificial feel. It is known that the teardrop implant resembles the most ideal breast proportion as most of the fullness is in the lower part of the breast, while the upper cleavage is somewhat concave in shape. However, the most important thing to consider when you undergo breast surgery is to have an appropriate consultation with the surgeon and choose the implant that best fits to the body and surgical procedure.


Types of Breast Surgery


Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation beautifully enlarges small breasts according to the body shape and proportion of individuals and makes beautiful breasts.


Breast Reduction/Lift

Breast reduction is a surgery which reduces oversized breasts (macromastia) and adjusts flaccid breasts at the same time.


Nipple Surgery

Nipple surgery corrects nipples that are retracted within the breast and reduces nipples that are abnormally big.



Breast Surgery Price/Cost in Korea

General price guide line for Breast Surgery in Korea is USD$1,400 to USD$22,000 according to Korea Health Industry Development Institute. The price is decided in variable range depending on the method and difficulty of patients’ case.







Breast Augmentation(fat) 6,300 13,000
Breast Reduction 7,300 13,600
Breast Correction 6,800 9,100
Nipple Surgery (Inverted Nipple) 1,400 2,300
Nipple Reduction (excluding areola reduction) 1,400 2,300
Breast Reconstruction 11,000 22,000

To learn more about Korean Plastic/Cosmetic surgery price in Korea, check Know your plastic surgery price.


Breast Surgery Precautions

Preoperative Precautions

Check: What to prepare before Plastic Surgery

Post-operative Precautions

  1. There will be some pain after the breast surgery for about 3~4 days. The pain will lessen gradually. Painkillers will often be given to help relieve the pain.
  2. A corrective garment should be always worn right after the surgery for breast augmentation. It should always be worn for 4 weeks.
  3. If a hemoglobin bag is attached to your breasts, please avoid locking the valve. The bag is normally removed after 5~7 days.
  4. Since general anesthesia is performed, please take soft food such as soup, congee or porridge for 2 days after the surgery.
  5. Breast massages should be done on 5~7 day of the surgery. Please continue to massage for 3 months at least 13 times a day for 15 minutes.
  6. Shower can be done from the next day of the stitch removal, but please avoid sauna and hot spring for 4 weeks.
  7. Please avoid heavy exercise such as aerobics, gyms and so on for 4weeks. However, going for a walk is recommended.
  8. Please take the prescribed pain killers and antibiotics. In case of requiring additional pain killer, take Tylenol, which does not contain aspirin. Aspirin related pain medication might cause bleeding, therefore it is not recommended.
  9. Drinking and smoking should be avoided for 4 weeks. Alcohol can cause infection and smoking can damage/necrotize skin or postpone wound recovery as it contracts vessels.


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