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你好朋友!我是一个23岁的加拿大女孩,我来韩国进行全身吸脂和隆胸。 在与Misooda商讨了我真正想要的东西和我的预算的几周后,他们给了我很多选择。所有建议的医院都很有名,但我决定选择美线整形外科。 我是身高155厘米,体重55公斤,身体脂肪占20%,属于“瘦胖子”。我的大部分体重都在腿上并且不平坦(右大腿为51.5厘米,但左大腿为50厘米)!! 因此,我的医生(Dong Jin Choi)建议我对腹部,大腿,腋窝进行抽脂,小腿和手臂中注射肉毒杆菌素,并使用BellaGel(韩国品牌)的乳房植入物以达到B +杯大小。
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自隆乳和吸脂以来已经有1个月了,我感觉很好!我知道完整的抽脂效果需要3到6个月的时间,但是我注意到我的内衣每天都变得越来越松!到目前为止,我的大腿损失了5磅2厘米,肚子也瘦了1厘米。我仍在等待小腿和手臂(使用肉毒杆菌毒素而不是脂肪)减少脂肪。我会再让通知大家 :)
我每天都去PB清洗伤口,静脉注射并涂上过敏霜。 我将在2周,1个月和3个月后更新此评论,以显示完整结果!到目前为止,我感觉好多了。第2-4天疼痛加剧,因为移动会很痛,但走动以避免血液凝结并服用药物非常重要(我每天必须服用4次药)。您每天都会慢慢好起来,所以要有耐心
我拜访PB诊所进行手术(4小时),恢复(8小时),然后回家。 Pretty Body Clinic的工作人员非常好,尤其是我的英语翻译。我与安吉丽娜(Angelina)和惠琳(Hyelim)交谈,他们回答了我所有的问题。在我的手术和康复期间,他们也和我在一起。当我从康复中醒来时,安吉丽娜(Angelina)准备了我所有的药物,内衣和稀饭。 Hyelim帮我四处走走,去洗手间,甚至在12 AM将我送回我的住所!即使在加拿大,我也从未经历过如此出色的员工和医疗保健。
抵达韩国。我预订的Airbnb距Pretty Body Clinic(PB)仅有5分钟的步行路程,因此我可以很轻松地进行检查。
It's been 2 weeks since my surgery and I am recovering well! I flew back to Canada with no issues and removed my stitches at a local clinic. I am also using scar cream and tape for my breast augmentation incisions. The scar doesn't look bad and blends with the shadow under my boob!! My doctor (Dong Jin Choi) is the best~
It's been 2 weeks since my surgery and I am recovering well! I flew back to Canada with no issues and removed my stitches at a local clinic. I am also using scar cream and tape for my breast augmentation incisions. The scar doesn't look bad and blends with the shadow under my boob!! My doctor (Dong Jin Choi) is the best~
It has been 1 month since my breast augmentation and liposuction and I feel great! I know it takes 3-6 months to see full liposuction results, but I noticed that my undergarment is getting less tight every day!! So far I have lost 5 lbs and 2 cm in my thighs and 1cm in my stomach. I'm still waiting for my calves and arms (used botox not lipo) to become less fat. I will let you know :)
It's been 2 weeks since my surgery and I am recovering well! I flew back to Canada with no issues and removed my stitches at a local clinic. I am also using scar cream and tape for my breast augmentation incisions. The scar doesn't look bad and blends with the shadow under my boob!! My doctor (Dong Jin Choi) is the best~
It has been 1 month since my breast augmentation and liposuction and I feel great! I know it takes 3-6 months to see full liposuction results, but I noticed that my undergarment is getting less tight and more loose every day!! So far I have lost 5 lbs and 2 cm in my thighs and 1cm in my stomach. I'm still waiting for my calves and arms (used botox not lipo) to become less fat. I will let you know :)
It's been 2 weeks since my surgery and I am recovering well! I flew back to Canada with no issues and removed my stitches at a local clinic. I am also using scar cream and tape for my breast augmentation incisions. The scar doesn't look bad at all and blends into the under boob shadow!! My doctor (Dong Jin Choi) is the best~