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  • ชื่อคลินิก : GIRIN Plastic Surgery
  • แพทย์ :
  • วันที่ศัลยกรรม : 2018.11.17
  • 0
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  • 17668
Sorry in advance, these photos are scary!!!! I got really swollen and they actually had to restitch my epi while I was under GA because the rhino swelling could cause the epi to become undone. I think because I got so many surgeries I got extra bad swelling. When I got home I drank some oat milk and chatted with roommates, then iced my face for the rest of the night. Girin bought me some porridge from a restaurant but it was too thick for me to eat (so sad).
1 month post op. I was still very swollen at this point, you can see how my cheeks have a lot of fullness all around and my double chin was prominent. From this point, my recovery started speeding up. My mouth was opening little by little every day. My double chin also started to get smaller. I was finally able to start chewing since my zygoma was mostly healed. I started appreciating my profile as well. I've attached the first photo I've felt comfortable sharing of the side of my nose.
I wanted to show that at this point I couldn't open my mouth very wide and it was difficult to chew. I should have done more mouth exercises but it was a bit weird to do at work haha.
Got my remaining stitches taken out and I was able to see my xray. I was swollen for so long it was nice to know what my face would eventually look like.
7 days post op and I got my nose cast off. Everything was still so swollen. Even though my lips look huge here, the swelling had actually gone down a lot and I stopped drooling. It felt so nice not to have any bandages on my face.