Rhinoplasty + Eyelid + Fat Grafting surgery
Before photo shows how bulbous my nose was..
And my eyes look so sleepy, but I’m not..
Forehead is too flat which makes my face more masculine..T.T
Why wouldn’t I decide to get the surgery done?
I was so stressed and finally decided to get plastic surgery done,
and selected safest plastic surgery clinic called Banobagi.
Eyes: Double eyelid surgery + ptosis correction, lateral canthoplasty
Nose: Alar reduction, nose bridge
Forehead,Cheek: Fat grafting
Rhinoplasty + Eyelid + Fat Grafting surgery
Before photo shows how bulbous my nose was.. And my eyes look so sleepy, but I’m not.. Forehead is too flat which makes my face more masculine..T.T Why wouldn’t I decide to get the surgery done? I was so stressed and finally decided to get plastic surgery done, and selected safest plastic surgery clinic called Banobagi. Eyes: Double eyelid surgery + ptosis correction, lateral canthoplasty Nose: Alar reduction, nose bridge Forehead,Cheek: Fat grafting