natural nose
I injured my nose last year when I went to the water park with my friends. Truth is, the reason why I was so worried is because I had my nose done approximately 2 years ago and there was silicon in it! It was infected so and since then my nostrils also gradually became different sizes. This episode brought a huge impact and I really felt like there's something bad happening to it.
After 91 days
After 60 days
After 31 days
After 14 days
After 7 days
わずか7日間で、もうすでに鼻の形が整ってきています! 回復期間中はすべての写真撮影をキャンセルしなければなりませんでした(FYIオンラインショッピングモールのモデルをしています)
After 0 days
私は何人かの友人から情報収集したあと、最終的に鼻の再手術で有名なGNGクリニックに決めました。 鼻に感染を起こしたために、構造が複雑になっているので、これが最良の選択だと思います。
natural nose
I injured my nose last year when I went to the water park with my friends. Truth is, the reason why I was so worried is because I had my nose done approximately 2 years ago and there was silicon in it! It was infected so and since then my nostrils also gradually became different sizes. This episode brought a huge impact and I really felt like there's something bad happening to it.