We are faithful to base, and persue perfection.
Natural & Safe Breast Plastic Surgery
MBW Plastic Surgery has high customer satisfaction in the surgery by natural movement & touch based on wealth of experience and know-how.
Real-name System on Medical Team
Dedicated Medical Team manages from counseling process to the surgery and follow-up service systematically and professionally.
We offer honest care by placing customer satisfaction and trust first.
Lee Young-Dae, who is the head of the hospital and also the specialist of breast plastic surgery holding 17 years of wealth career & know-how, tries to make the result of surgery near perfect by performing every surgery.

23 経歴年数 0 / 5
Young Dae Lee
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ソウル特別市 江南区 論峴洞(ノニョンドン) 江南大路(カンナムデロ)590