Tulang Wajah
No longer spongebob look a like
I am relatively satisfied with my features but have one and only critical complex! My square jaws. Unfortunately, my square jaws stand out as my first...
Benjamin Button ain't got nothing on me!
Sadly, I am viewed much older than my actual age. I was always frustrated with my boring appearance, small yet crooked eyes and wide flat face. What ...
Now i can look like a Kpop star!
I have to wear glasses due to my poor eyesight, but people would make fun of me saying I resemble Mr. Potato Head from Toy Story. With my small boring...
Selamat Tinggal Hidung Pesek
Kekhawatiran saya adalah hidung tebal saya yang membesar ketika saya tersenyum! Teman-teman akan mengolok-olok hidung saya dan memanggil saya si hidun...
Boing Boing Skin!
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I went to Arumdaun Nara Dermatology and got mesotherapy injections done!! It was a pretty straightforwar...
Plastic glasses?? No problem!!
Initially I wanted for only a rhinoplasty but after consultation I decided on having double eyelid surgery as well. The doctor explained how I often ...
Operasi Kelopak Mata Non-Sayatan-Koreksi Ptosis, Epicanthoplasty , Lateral Canthoplasty
Hari pertama setelah operasi tidak terlalu buruk bagi saya, tetapi di hari kedua saya mulai merasakan bengkak di wajah saya dan itu normal....
Tulang Wajah
Akhirnya Membuat Sebuah Keputusan
Saya selalu membenci dagu saya dan ini telah mengganggu saya selama bertahun-tahun. Saya akhirnya dengan berani melakukan operasi V line....
Revisi Operasi Hidung, Epi and Lateral canthoplasty, Cangkok Lemak
Saya melakukan revisi Rhinoplasty, Epi dan Lateral canthoplasty dan cangkok lemak. Operasi hidung pertama saya diputuskan terlalu terburu-buru, tanpa...
Operasi Hidung Pesek
Hidung saya tidak rata tetapi sedikit lebar, ditambah ujung hidung saya agak bulat, memberikan kesan samping yang agak datar. Saya keluar pada hari...
Fat Grafting
Cangkok Lemak PRP
Teman-teman saya selalu berkomentar bahwa saya memiliki wajah yang cekung, yaitu kurangnya volume lemak. Saya memiliki tubuh yang agak ramping tetapi ...
Incision double eyelid surgery, epi and lateral canthoplasty, Jawline toxin
On the day of the surgery, both eyes are red after the surgery After my surgery, my recent pictures taken are all so lovely and bright without havi...
Revisi Operasi Hidung
Saya seorang model profesional dan seperti yang Anda tahu, berada di depan kamera sepanjang waktu, penampilan dan tubuh saya menjadi sangat penting ba...
Toxin Galore~
I did Botox to my forehead as i had those unsightly lines there! Im so pleased with the whole process and procedure!! Everything is so comfortable an...
Wrinkle Free~
I was introduced Misooda to Seouleaguer Dermatology to improve my smile lines. Obvious smile lines can make one look more aged. I met a Chinese Korean...
Nose Fillers
I came to Korea for a student exchange and currently still doing my Korean language course. I noticed the girls in Korea are exceptionally pretty, nat...
Chin Fillers!
I went to Seoul Leaguer Clinic today. I saw many Chinese reviews on a famous blogging website and decided to try some fillers on my chin. I went wit...
Aegyo Sal Fillers!
Finally I have love bands! Love bands are the cute little eye pouches below the eyes but they aren’t eyebags! With love band fillers, I don’t have to ...
A trip to Korea to experience anti-aging procedures just makes me so excited! The doctor was professional and the clinic was clean. A note to recommen...
Water Injection for that baby smooth skin!
I think I’m a girl of average looks but my biggest problems are my skin! Skin ! Skin problems! I have to say things of importance thrice. Every time I...