Sedot Lemak
Chin Liposuction
It's been a month since I've had done chin liposuction today. I used to have a sharp jaw so if you look from the side, I looked like I have no chin a...
Sedot Lemak
Facial liposuction, Thread Lifting
So stressful due to my face shape. It's not a square jaw, but it's got a lot of fat on it that I never hear anyone saying I am slim. When I was a kid,...
Sedot Lemak
facial liposuction
I have been getting stressed up due to fats on my face, finally getting liposuction after slogging my life away. hope this will be helpful to those w...
Sedot Lemak
Thigh Liposuction+Calf Botox
I had lots of Cellulite, fat suffering with lower body obese since teenager. I always plan for exercise, work out at gym everyday but I only visited ...
Sedot Lemak
Sedot Lemak Wajah
Sudah hampir 5 bulan sejak saya melakukan sedot lemak wajah. Saya memiliki terlalu banyak lemak di wajah saya, jadi saya melakukan sedot lemak wajah....
Sedot Lemak
Calf muscle reduction
Since I was a kid, my calves were thick and my muscles were on. I had to stop exercising as an athlete because of an injury, but I didn't care about t...
Sedot Lemak
Pengencangan Bokong dengan Cangkok Lemak
Saya suka bentuk feminin baru saya dari Pretty Body Clinic. Pinggang dan paha saya menjadi lebih kecil dan pinggul saya terlihat feminin saat memakai ...
Sedot Lemak
Sedot Lemak Lengan di Pretty Body Clinic
Halo! Ini adalah progres minggu pertama saya - Ini adalah foto sebelum dan sesudah lipo lengan saya di Pretty Body Clinic. Saya mengenal klinik ini me...
Sedot Lemak
Revisi Kelopak Mata Ganda, Revisi Hidung, Sedot Lemak Wajah dan Cangkok Lemak wajah
Saya melakukan operasi mata, operasi hidung, sedot lemak wajah, injeksi lemak + PRP. Saya mencari lebih dari 30 pusat operasi plastik untuk wajah say...
Sedot Lemak
Revision Lower Body Liposuction (Hip, Thighs, Knees, Calves Botox)
Sedot Lemak
Sedot Lemak dan Pembesaran Payudara
Halo teman-teman! Saya seorang gadis Kanada berusia 23 tahun yang datang ke Korea untuk sedot lemak dan pembesaran payudara. Setelah berbicara dengan ...
Sedot Lemak
Sedot Lemak Lengan dan Bra Line
Sepanjang hidup saya, saya dipanggil si 'ukuran besar'. Bahkan ketika sedang diet, ukuran lengan atas saya tetap sama. Saya bahkan pergi untuk pijat m...
Sedot Lemak
Sedot Lemak Seluruh Tubuh
Saya pikir ini akan menjadi cerita terpanjang yang pernah ada. Baru-baru ini, saya sangat tertarik dengan perawatan kulit, jadi saya sering membaca be...
Sedot Lemak
Everybody can't belived that I lost 13lbs in a month.
Day 8, repair the compressive garment and the thigh size was 10cm down Day 10, I feel more comfortable to move and also, seat on the toilet seat as w...
Sedot Lemak
Thigh + Abdomen Liposuction
8 days after surgery of abdomen and thighs 167cm/ 65kg Amount of Fat extraction : 8000 cc (Pure Fat: 7300cc) My doctor removed little bit of fat on ...
Sedot Lemak
Thigh Lipo at Pretty Body Clinic
Thigh Lipo at Pretty Body Clinic. Always considered to do Lipo but ambarrassed to do surgery to Male doctor. Googled several clinics where the...
Sedot Lemak
Eye, Nose, Micro Fat Grafting, Jowl liposuction, body
My feelings post-surgery are that I am extremely thankful to the doctors. I feel that I have been given a second life by my parents and now that I ha...