Facial Bone
Facial Contour, Chin Reduction, Nose&Eye Surgery After 2 years
Facial Bone
Yepoong-ee’s Plastic Surgery Real Review
Hello~ This is Yepoong-ee >.< These are parts I got surgeries in Banobagi Clinic. Face contouring (Square jaw reduction, Cheekbones reductio...
Facial Bone
eye,nose,micro fat grafting, facial bone contouring surgery2
I was always depressed and unconfident because of my appearance, and I had never imagined that I would be so confident and upright today....
Facial Bone
eye, nose, micro fat grafting, facial bone contouring surgery
My biggest problem was that I had a rough looking face. My cheeks and jawline were not pretty and feminine. My first impression was that I always l...
Facial Bone
Accusculpt, Cheekbone Reduction, Lateral Canthoplasty
Hello, my post surgery results are so natural I kind of forgot I had done something to them. I had to photoshop my cheeks all the time before my cheek...
Facial Bone
Face contouring + Rhinoplasty + Eyelid revision Surgery
I want to go over the history of my plastic surgery for face contouring! I was nervous before the surgery and had some difficulties after surgery,...
Facial Bone
Vline, Cheekbone, Acculift Review at View
I have just done the face contouring together with lifting all in one, stitches are not yet removed. I will get back to you guys after stitches are go...
Facial Bone
3d zygoma reduction fully worth it
3d zygoma reduction fully worth it...
Facial Bone
zygomatic bone reduction, under eye fat reposition
I am currently in the 2nd week after surgery. This is a reduction of the sacrum and fat transplantation / eye fat repositioning with Dr. Guo from NAMU...