Korean Time
Sedot Lemak dan Pembesaran Payudara

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Halo teman-teman! Saya seorang gadis Kanada berusia 23 tahun yang datang ke Korea untuk sedot lemak dan pembesaran payudara. Setelah berbicara dengan Misooda selama berminggu-minggu tentang apa yang sebenarnya saya inginkan dan besar budget saya, Misooda memberi saya banyak pilihan clinics. Semua rekomendasi klinik yang sangat terkenal tetapi saya memutuskan untuk pergi ke Pretty Body Clinic. Saya memiliki badan yang kurus namun sedikit berisi dengan tinggi 155cm dan berat 55kg, dengan 20% lemak tubuh. Sebagian besar bobot badan saya berada di kaki saya dan tidak sama (paha kanan 51,5 cm tetapi paha kiri 50 cm) !! Jadi dokter saya (Dong Jin Choi) merekomendasikan saya untuk melakukan sedot lemak penuh pada perut, paha, ketiak, botox pada betis dan lengan, dan implan payudara BellaGel (merek Korea) untuk ukuran B + cup.
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It's been 2 weeks since my surgery and I am recovering well! I flew back to Canada with no issues and removed my stitches at a local clinic. I am also using scar cream and tape for my breast augmentation incisions. The scar doesn't look bad and blends with the shadow under my boob!! My doctor (Dong Jin Choi) is the best~
It's been 2 weeks since my surgery and I am recovering well! I flew back to Canada with no issues and removed my stitches at a local clinic. I am also using scar cream and tape for my breast augmentation incisions. The scar doesn't look bad and blends with the shadow under my boob!! My doctor (Dong Jin Choi) is the best~
It has been 1 month since my breast augmentation and liposuction and I feel great! I know it takes 3-6 months to see full liposuction results, but I noticed that my undergarment is getting less tight every day!! So far I have lost 5 lbs and 2 cm in my thighs and 1cm in my stomach. I'm still waiting for my calves and arms (used botox not lipo) to become less fat. I will let you know :)
It's been 2 weeks since my surgery and I am recovering well! I flew back to Canada with no issues and removed my stitches at a local clinic. I am also using scar cream and tape for my breast augmentation incisions. The scar doesn't look bad and blends with the shadow under my boob!! My doctor (Dong Jin Choi) is the best~
It has been 1 month since my breast augmentation and liposuction and I feel great! I know it takes 3-6 months to see full liposuction results, but I noticed that my undergarment is getting less tight and more loose every day!! So far I have lost 5 lbs and 2 cm in my thighs and 1cm in my stomach. I'm still waiting for my calves and arms (used botox not lipo) to become less fat. I will let you know :)
It's been 2 weeks since my surgery and I am recovering well! I flew back to Canada with no issues and removed my stitches at a local clinic. I am also using scar cream and tape for my breast augmentation incisions. The scar doesn't look bad at all and blends into the under boob shadow!! My doctor (Dong Jin Choi) is the best~