Korean Time
Eye, Nose, Fat grafting, Chin implant

lmsul lmsul

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Hello, Today remarks the third month after my surgery in NAMU. So far the results I had were amazing. I specially want to thank my consultant who listened to all my concerns from day 1 even during my recovery days. Also for Dr. Kirk who had done probably the best surgery for me!!! I don’t know how many times I have to thank to both of you!! Here I try to explain a glimpse of my experience in NAMU. My double eyelid lines looked so blurry and my overall eyes shape looked sleepy. But now I can go out and have some fun time with my friends in confidence with these round and fully open eyes. My friends said my eyes look fresh and pretty, this of course makes me happy all the time^^ I also had a short nose complex to the point that I often wear mask to cover half of my face. Now everything seems so new yet delightful for me. Of course, I took a lot of selfies and photos with my friends since last month when the swelling was completely gone, and I loooovveeeee those photos! Some parts of face looked really sunken, I felt so old when strangers around me calling me aunty. The consultant quickly recommended me to do fat grafts and she said it is really a simple procedure to do, and yeap now I look soooo much younger than before. Last but not least, the chin implant I got here in NAMU was one of the best decision I ever made. I never thought of doing a chin implant surgery before, but I said OK once I heard the explanation about my short chin from the doctor, which gave a quiet big effect to my whole facial shape. Oops, it turned out quiet long in the end. HAHA.. Anyway, despite good results, I want to thank again also for the post operation care and the whole NAMU staffs who helped me to recover fast! Thank you again!!!!
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