Korean Time
Eye, Nose, Micro Fat Grafting, Facial bone contouring surgery

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Since puberty, there was a face complex. I blamed my parents and tried to change my impression with a hairstyle or makeup. But no matter how hard i tried, i could not change my face and impressions. i want to be more beautiful! i did not want to give up.
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  • 10106
Life went on better and I totally forget surgery since I did not feel any form of discomfort! After the operation, the swelling went down bit by bit. My sensation came back post surgery and life was as usual.
It is about 3 months after the operation and I feel the overall impression changing gradually and better. The face was definitely smoother :-)
Two weeks after surgery! I was worried about the pain after the surgery, but it did not hurt. I was more worried about the swelling of the eyes, nose, and contours rather than pain.
I am very satisfied and happy with my decision. Initially I was worried because I was going to do plastic surgery for the first time but the clinic staff and the doctor were all very kind. My results were more than satisfactory and I am looking forward to a more beautiful life!