Korean Time
Pretty Side Profile

mihwa mihwa

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I did double eyelid surgery before when I was in high school but it got release rather quickly. I guess it wasn’t done properly so the people around me recommended me to go to Item hospital to get my revision surgery done. My eyelids look very heavy with a lot of extra skin sagging downwards causing me to have to purposely lift my eyebrows for my eyes to be seen clearly without looking tired. I wish I could take pictures and be able to smile naturally and my eyes will still look big. I also would like to be able to look at someone in the eye when im talking to them instead of always having to manually lift one side of my brow up. Another area that I am very concerned about is the way I look from the side. I would like my nose and face shape to look awesome not only from the from but also from the side because I think I lack volume when I take pictures. So I decided to also fix my nose and also to do facial contouring as well. Day of Surgery: The staff at the hospital was very nice and friendly and I can see that they were doing their best to make me feel comfortable and not nervous. Im so excited that after only a few hours, I will be able to live my life with a brand-new face. Maybe it’s because im nervous, I kept on asking my doctor questions when I was having consultation. But the doctor was nice and reassured me and also answer my endless questions. Of course, becoming prettier is every girl’s dream and before I decided to go through with this surgery, I searched the net for pictures and reviews and I sincerely hope my review will somehow benefit you as well!
  • 458
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  • 13815
My swelling is more or less gone and you can see my final results!
My nose and eye shape is so pretty!! I think if you ever go through any surgery, you should take pictures every day and from different angles to check and confirm how much you have changed from a day to day basis. The drastic change will surely make you swell with happiness inside!!
The swelling on my jaw has gone down so quickly! Whoots!
Every day I diligently take my medicine and also pumpkin juice as I heard it helps with the swelling a lot faster. I get hungry easily because I have only been taking porridge.. hehe..