Korean Time
Hello everyone, I wanted to share my experience...

kiberry kiberry

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Hello everyone, I wanted to share my experience getting rid of my double chin, and hope it can be of help to others! As a birthday gift to myself I am having my double chin removed. I have consulted with several clinics and have decided to go with BK plastic surgery hospital located in Seoul Korea. I have decided on BK because I want a clinic that can help me during my stay in Korea, and also a hospital that is safe, clean, and experienced. BK also has some very nice before and after photos on their website, that make me very hopeful for my results. So far BK has been very good to answer all my questions quickly and with lots of information. I can tell their staff and translators care a lot about their patients. As of now I have an in-person consultation date scheduled for the 21st, and a surgery afterwards. I believe my consultation with the doctor will go smoothly Monday the 21st and I will be able to have my surgery shortly afterward. I do like the shape and look of my face, however I think my fatty neck and jaw distract from my other nice features. I would love to have a sharper jaw-line and no double chin. I know removing my double chin will make me feel more confident in my looks. It will help me feel younger and more cute. It is because of these reasons I have decided to move forward with my surgery. I am looking forward to my in-person consultation with Dr. Dr. Rhee Byung Jun. He will be performing liposuction of my double chin with Acculift. It is $1600 per area, and I think I will have both my double chin and jaw line areas treated. I will consult a further the Doctor and see if treating both areas will give me my desired look, and also to hear his recommendation! Currently I am very excited! Luckily I am so excited that I am finally getting rid of my double chin that I'm only a little nervous for surgery!
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inally Long Awaited Results! For a bit I felt dismayed that I wouldn't see very striking results. I think my face stayed swollen for a long time after surgery, and the overall swelling and healing was very gradual. By month four, post-op, I was able to see recognizable results. I have no pain, everything healed perfectly. The little scars in the corner of my mouth are still a tiny-bit visible, but they are easy to cover. However, the scars near my jaw I can barely find sometimes. Overall I'm very happy with the results. I can tell a lot of the fat has been removed and the skin feels more youthful. It's not a perfectly sharp jawline, but the results are noticeable and I think my look is hugely improved. I feel more confident now when I take photos. My double chin used to be something I was very worried about, but now I think my self-esteem has improved. Below are some photos I took showing my results. I took some with flash and some without, I was hoping the different lighting would help show my results. My jaw-line looks very nice, and removing my double chin has improved my profile view.
Healing has been going very well. My last has been healthy and happy. I can clearly see results now, and I'm loving the improvements. When I take photos now, I don't worry about a double chin. I'm very pleased to be seeing more of my jawline and face-shape. I think for the most part and bulk of the healing is behind me. There is only one small stubborn spot, that I feel is healing a little slowly. Right behind my chin, it is still a little firm. BK has assured me that it will continue to resolve. I think it will heal with a little more time, and soften. After surgery my jaw and under-chin where firm and very swollen, and day by day it has improved. I think this little spot just need a little more time to heal. Otherwise I'm loving it, and I'm feeling much more confident!!! <3
It’s been a little over a month since my procedure. I think the day to day healing has slowed down a lot. Everyone at BK has been very helpful and they assure me that I just need to wait for my final results, since the healing and tissue takes a long time to adjust. I can see some slight results now, but I hope with more time it will look very well!
Its officially two weeks since my surgery! I had my surgery on May 21st in the afternoon, and two weeks later I am beginning to see the improvements! My changes have been very subtle. Each day my jaw-line looks a little tighter and my double chin improves. Most of the fat in my trouble areas has been removed and I do think once my swelling is fully resolved my look will be greatly improved. Along my jaw-line and under my chin I can feel firmness. The doctor said I should expect some firmness as the tissues heal and the swelling resolves, and this can last for a month or two. Every day, I walk to help the swelling, and drink lots of water. I also wear my compression garment every night, and in my free time around the house. The compression garment really helps reduce the swelling so I try to be diligent and wear it often. I also try to maintain a healthy diet. I'm so ready for my swelling to fully resolve so I can see my full results. My doctor said it may take some time, so I have to be patient for the full results. When I feel my face most of the firmness is right under my chin with a little under my jaw-line. The incisions in my mouth corners have healed, and I can eat normally without any troubles. The incisions by my mouth are not very noticeable, however I am looking into a scar cream to help them fade away quicker. The incisions behind my jaw and not noticeable at all, and they are also well healed. Now all I can do is live healthy and wait for the remaining firmness and swelling to heal!
I arrived home in USA late on the 28th of May and after my travels had to catch up on sleep. The time change and long international flight had me very tried. Most of my serious bruising had faded within the first week after surgery and now I mostly had swelling to resolve. My life was back to normal and day by day the stiffness in my jaw and neck was improving. I've been following the doctor's instructions, and wear my compression garment at night when I sleep and when I am at home with free time. The compression garment helps. The photos are from the 29th of May, a week after my surgery.
The first week went by very smoothly thanks to the help from the staff at BK and also because Dr. Rhee was a very good doctor and took great care of me. I had my surgery on the 21st, and the doctor checked on me everyday while I was at BK. On the 24th he removed the stitches from the corner of my mouth, cleaned and treated them. He also removed the tape bandages from my face. It was a little painful to remove the tape bandages but Dr. Rhee was very careful when he took them off. He checked the stiches at my jawline, cleaned them, and put a small bandage over them. He decided we would remove them on the 26th, my last day in Korea. It's hard to say how my bruising looked the first few days because of the tape bandages across my jaw and cheeks. I could see a little bruising, but after Dr. Rhee took off the tapes I could see some yellow bruising on my jawline. Dr. Rhee told me it was natural that the bruising would sink with gravity, down my neck. The bruising was the most noticeable the day Dr. Rhee took off tape, but it healed very quickly and the bruises faded drastically each day.
Update on the Day of Consultation and Surgery. I arrived to BK Plastic Surgery Hospital a little before 10am. As I entered the hospital buulding I was greeted by a gal on the first floor, she took me name and had me go up the second floor. I met my English Translator on the second floor. We started by filling out paperwork and then went to my consultation. First I talked with my English Translator about my plans, and what I hoped to achieve from this surgery. I explained that I wanted to reduce my double chin, and remove the fat from my neck. In addition, I wanted my jawline to be a little sharper with less fat. I showed her all the areas I wanted changed. After I talked with her, she called for the doctor. He was very professional, greeted me kindly when he walked in. My English Translator explained to Dr. Rhee Byung Jun what I wanted. He listened very carefully. He then explained that he would be able to improve my neck and jawline, however how much it would improve would depend on my body and skin. He explained that some of the sagging, and bulging was fat and some may be tissue. He assured me he would do his best, but that their may be some limitations. He then explained to me where he would make his incisions. He would make two behind my jaw near my ear, and he may make two incisions in the corners of my mouth. He explained the incisions would be very small and hidden and would likely fade away within a month or two. I wasn't very keen on two incisions by my mouth. He explained very carefully that they would be small, and that they would help me access the fat along my cheeks and jaw. After listening to his explanation I took his suggestion and said it was okay to have two small incisions by my mouth corners. After my consultation we took before photos, had a blood test, and changed into my hospital gown. I met with the doctor one final time to 'design' my face. He drew where he would take the fat, and marked my jawline, double chin, and some fat along my jaw. We finalized the plan for surgery in my final consultation. My English Translator took me to the surgery floor where I was prepped for surgery. They gave me an IV, and secured me to the surgery table. They cleaned my face and neck and secured my hair. I also had an oxygen and heart monitor. Dr. Rhee Byung Jun came in and also prepared. I was SO nervous and then I don't even remember falling asleep. I woke up hours later, I felt like I had a bad headache. I fell beck asleep and awoke awhile later when the nurse came to check on me and remove my IV. I slowly sat up, I felt okay. My jaw felt stiff. My English Translator checked on me, she ordered me some food and brought my medicine. I was able to go to the bathroom, and awhile later I ate some Korean porridge and had some medicine. Then the nurse helped me put on my compression garment. Later I was escorted to my room on the 14th floor provided by BK Plastic Surgery. This room is like a Guest House where patients stay to recover. I was very tired and slept through the night.